To setup Zapier, you need to get invited to have access to the Review Robin Zap first.

You can get invited by clicking this link:

Once Review Robin is in your account, you will be able to view Review Robin as an app available in the typical Zap setup flow.

Automating Review Robin with Zapier

Tips for setting up Zapier:

  • Review Robin acts as the "Action" step within a Zap
  • When it asks you to log in, simply log in with whatever account that has access to the specific location you want to automate. (It can be an agency account or a regular account - granted it has access.)
  • During the Zap Action step setup, it will ask you for a "Location ID." You can find this by logging into the account that owns the location, then while viewing the specific location, click the top-right corner drop down menu and select the "Account" item. You will see the location ID there.

Complete walk through setting up Zapier: